Home Artist Information Wildlife Sculptures Selected Commissions-- HMS Victory- Enquires /Sales

Creating a Sculpture- Creating a Relief Carving -Creating a Bronze Creating a Mould Creating a Crest / Arms

A selection of Commissions

Ian G Brennan has been a professional sculptor since 1984 and is one of those rare sculptors that both carves and casts.The majority of Ian'swork is involved with producingone-offboth realisticand heraldic bronze sculptures and wood carvings,oftenwith the wood carving being producedfroma single piece of wood. Ianfirst begancasting his workin bronze and occasionally silverin 1996 andwhen he is not producing the master copydirectly from plaster or clayhe frequently uses his original wood sculptures as the master copies for his bronze sculptures.

In 1989 IanG Brennan wasappointedthe 'Sculptor to the Most Noble Order of the Garter and Honourable Order of the Bath' andsince that timespendsaroundfourmonths of each year on awide varietyofunique commissions in both wood and bronze for the British Royal Household.

Outlined hereisa just a small sample of thewide variety ofdiverse projects Ian has also been involved with over the years. Thesecommissionsareas diverse as carving a 10 feet high statue of a Bald Eagle from a single piece of wood for an American Corporation, to carving a life size statue of the 'Risen Christ'for a local Church. Producing the International Cup Final Trophy for theScotland V Barbarians Rugby Final, to carving amassive wood sculpture of 'The Globe'froma centuriesoldRedwood tree.Photographs of Ian's sculptureshave evenbeen used for more unusual projects such as book covers and limited edition prints.

AlthoughIan prefers not to getto involved with restoration work, on occasions howeverhe is pleased to be asked by various organisations such as the Museum service and English Heritage to work on a variety of often historical restoration projects where his rather unique skills in reproducing carvings and sculptures from a by-gone age are required. Such commissionsincludeworking on Lord Nelson's historic Flagship HMS Victory, The College of Arms in London and 'Southwick House'near Portsmouth which was the former Allied Headquarters ofGeneral Eisenhower during WW 2 (where'D Day' was planned )

Ianmost recentcommissions for the Royal Household includedsculptures forboth HRH Prince Andrew the Duke of York and HRH Prince Edward The Earl of Wessex. He has also recently been workingon an elevenfeet highrealisticbronze statue of 'Ted Bates' the former player, Manager, Director and President of Southampton Football Club in Southern England. Ian carved the original master copy of the statueshown below, from plaster and clayand it is currently beingmould in an art foundry in Londonprior to beingcast in bronze.Thestatue isdue to be unveiled on the 16th March 2007outside Southampton'sSt Mary's Football Stadium.

Click to Enlarge

Theclay and plaster 'master copy' of theTed Bates bronzestatue

11 feet high ( 335 cm )

A small selection of sculptor Ian G Brennan's commissions in wood and bronze

Churches and Chapels :-

Bas-reliefwood andbronzecarvings :-

Wildlife sculptures :-

Carved Coats of Arms and Crests :-

Various Restoration projects:-

Trophies and Company Logo's :-

A selectionof commissions for Churches and Chapels :-

Click to enlarge

A Crucifixand the 'Risen Christ' statue being worked on in Ian's Studio

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Sculpture after the wood was bleached and stained and placed in position

Bald Eagle Lectern / Podium

before the darker finish was added

(53 inches high, including the base - lime wood )

A bronzecoloured versionof the podium torepresent a Bald Eagle

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The Pascal Candle Stand commissioned for the High Alter in St George's Chapel Windsor Castle.

carved and gildedOak -65 inches high (65 cm)

Various Bas- reliefwood andbronzecarvings :-

Bas-relief carving showing variouslandmarks of avillage in Hampshire UK which isnowplaced above the Vestry in St Mary's Church Warsash.

( lime wood 10 wide, please click to enlarge)

To see this relief carving duringitsvarious stages, please click this link :-

Running fox -mahogany Battle Honours board for HMS Clyde - teak

( 72 inches long ) ( 32 inches long )

please click to enlarge

Lion bas-relief- cedar wood- solid oakroad sign withvarious landmarks of the village cast in bronze - HMS Victory undertow- bronze

40 inches high (110 cm)-----72 inches high( 190cm ) -------14 inches high ( 36 cm )

'Viking Long Boat Relief Carving' - Onesection of the relief carving on an OakFire surround - English Oak--

Cedar Wood -70 inches long (178 cm) ------------ 40 inches long ( 100cm )

please click to enlarge

A centuries old original wooden shieldfor a Knight of the Garter that was caught in the fire in St George's Hall in Windsor Castle in 1992.

Thisfire damagedshieldwhich was rescued from the walls of St George's Hallonce had a medieval Garter Knights Coat of Armspainted upon the shield but this paintingwas subsequently erased in the fire.Ian has now produced arelief carvingdepictingfiremen fighting the fire which raged throughout the night through the Brunswick Tower at WindsorCastle.

Wildlife Sculptures in Wood and Bronze :-

Specialising in detailed wildlife woodcarvings and bronze sculpture which are produced either as a one-off or in a limited edition.

Osprey catching a Pike - Leaping Panther - Swimming Otter - Swan protecting hercygnets

66" high x 24" wide - 45" Long x 37" High - 43" high x 17" wide -27" high x34" wide

All four of these bronze sculptures shown above, were originally carved from a single piece of hard wood, moulded and then cast in bronze.

please click to enlarge

'Bald Eagle in Flight' Sculpture carved from within the trunk of a 150 year old Lime tree- 96 inches high

Leaping Panther - Walnut - Carved in Walnut cast in Bronze

Ian G Brennan'sHeraldic commissionsare fornot onlyprivate clients but also the British Royal Household.Coats of Armsand Crestsdesigns includeproducingtraditionalCrowns and Coronets,Regal Lions and Mythical Unicorns to the more realisticAnimals andBirds,for Heads of State and Leaders in Business, as well asthoseforthe Nobility and Royalty.

The largerversion of theseArms were carved inwood;the smaller version was cast in bronze - Carved lime wood Arms with Supporters-Carved lime wood Arms without Supporters

( 36 inches high x 30 inches wide ) ( 30 inches high x 26 inches wide ) ( 10 inches high x 6 inches wide )

A selection of the over eighty Knight of the Garter and Knights of the Bath Crests carved byIan GBrennan,now placed in St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle and Henry VII Chapel in Westminster Abbey.

For further examples of the over 80Knights of the Garter and Knights of the Bath Crests, carved and painted by Ian G Brennan;

Knights of the Garter Crests - Knights of the Bath Crests

'Environmental Balance' for a Schools Millennium Project anda 'Gold Tooth' outside a Dental Surgery

Scots Pine -65 inches high (165 cm)-------------------------------- Elm Wood - 36 inches high (92cm )

Tawny owl carved within a willow log --------'Mother Nature' - carved within aScots Pine Log

22 inches high ( 56 cm ) 14 inches high( 36 cm )

The 'Globe' Sculpture carved from within the trunk of a 250 year old Sequoia Tree.

This carving is on display in the foyer of the headquarters of an International Corporation.

40 inches wide (102cm) X 60 inches high ( 150 cm )

Various Restoration projects :-

A selection of theprojects from theMuseum Service and The Ministry of Defence inthe UK, These restoration projectsoftenvary fromcarved all the intricate scroll work on Lord Nelson's historic Flagship HMS Victory, and 'Southwick House'the former Allied Headquarters ofGeneral Eisenhowerduring WW 2.

Restoring the Royal Coat of Arms atthe College of Arms in London.

This replacement Royal Crest was initially carved from wax and then cast in bronze prior to being painted and gilded.

The carved Scrollwork on HMS Victory€™s Starboard side Entrance Port.

For further information on Admiral Lord Nelson's Flagship HMS Victory - please click this link :-

Sculpture of 'Trafalgar Day 1805'currently being carved by Ian G Brennan fromoriginal oak fromthe HMS Victory's lower gun deck removedduring the restoration program.

'Trafalgar Day 1805'

47 "(119cm)long x 35 " (89cm) long

Click for more info

'Sailing to Victory'

limited edition signed printby Ian G Brennan

for further details

'Battle of Trafalgar scene' carved withinan original oak beam from HMS Victory's lower gun deck

for further details

' TreadGold' Museum

Using the only information available this old photograph as a guide, Iancarved this replacement 18th centurystylised lionfigure-head which had beenplaced above an old hardware store, which is now a museum in Portsmouth UK.

Rose fountain before the water spouts were produced;

Again using an old photograph as a guide Ian this time was commissioned to producedeight exact replicas bronze water spouts to replace those lost on this19th century' Rose Fountain' in Southampton UK.

The original cleat and socket on the left, alongside thewooden prototypeand the new stainless steel cleat. ( 300 mmlong)

A mould was produced from Ian's originalwood carvedand painted cleat andstanchion socket, both have now beenproduced instainless steel for the 'Sunseeker' Super Yachts.

Southwick House

Southwick House, now the Wardroom in HMS Dryad near Portsmouth in Southern England was requisitioned by the Royal Navy in 1941 from the 'Thistlethwayte' family to becomethe forward planning and operational Headquarters of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, General Dwight Eisenhower and the Naval Commander for Operation Overlord, Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsey.

Southwick House hadrecently undergoneamajor restoration program and during thisrestorationIan was commissioned torestoring some of the ornately carvedantique mirror and picture frames inside Southwick House.

For further information about D Day and 'Operation Overlord' please click this link :-

Replacing and restoringthe various missing and damaged sections of woodcarvings and mouldings on oneof the mirror frame ( 70 inches high )

The larger sections of the badly damaged carved picture frame -- restored andre-gilded

Restored picture frame returned to Southwick House

Southwick House

(Click image below to enlarge)

The original D Day Map in Southwick House still set at 'H' Hour June6, 1944, when the Allied invasion of France began.

Restored and replace the missingVictoriancarved oak panels for the WinchesterCouncil Chambers

(Click image below to enlarge)

Replacementof whole sections of missingoak carvings,prior to being stained and polished

Ian's carved lime wood mouldings prepared forrestoringantique picture frames

A selection of commissioned trophies and Company Logo's :-

Rugby Ball trophy commissioned for the winner of Scotland V Barbarians Rugby Cup Final at Murryfield, carved from Cherry Wood.

(18 inches high.)

A full size older style Football and Rugby Ball ; Bothcarved from Ash wood.

Various commissioned trophies carved from Walnut for the Hampshire Business of the Year Awards.

All around 18 inches high (46cm)

The Heraldic Lion commissioned forthe Chivas Regal Whisky Company - Sunderland Aircraft

lime wood -20 inches long - lime wood 8 inches long

Newport Golf Club 'Centenary Trophy€™ based on the Golf Clubs Oak tree logo - Beaver Hire Company logo

bronze (12 inches high) lime wood (15 inches high)

A relief carving of a Turkish Tent commission for usea book cover

For further information about Ian's work or details about commissioning an individual sculpture

or limited edition bronze, please contact :-

Home Artist Information Wildlife Sculptures Selected Commissions-- HMS Victory-

Creating a Sculpture- Creating a Relief Carving -Creating a Bronze Creating a Mould Creating a Coat of Arms