'Eagle Podium' in bronze or brass


Eagle 'Podium/Lectern Sculpture


£ 2,195  GBP 

Bronze or Brass

     21" ( 54 cm) high x  29" ( 70 cm) wide


Eagle Podium/Lectern; 

The range of colours available vary from the traditional all over one colour brass or bronze with a traditional bronze patina, to the more realistic coloured bronze version of a bald eagle as shown;

Prices for a typical bronze or brass eagle Podium/Lectern is £ 2,195  which includes packing and overland delivery.

 Please contact us for further details of availability and Delivery times; either overland or by airfreight.



Bronze eagle podium coloured to resemble a Bald eagle


 All measurements are approximate 

If you require further information on other Eagle Podiums designs shortly to be made available, or you have your own particular design you would like producing ; please contact us ;


Ian G Brennan  


  'Golden Eagle Resting'    'Elephant with a Calf'     'Golden Eagle in Flight'     'Swimming Otter'   

    'Sea Otter Feeding'         'Bald Eagle on a Crag'     'Leaping Panther'    'Swan protecting her Cygnets' 

www. sculptor - iangb.com

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