His Imperial Majesty  Akihito Chrysanthemum Crest :


The Chrysanthemum (kiku in Japanese) is the coat of arms of the Japanese Emperor and the Chrysanthemum Throne which is the common name given to the Imperial Throne of Japan, the oldest monarchy in the world. It is said that the Empire of Japan was founded in 660BC by the Emperor Jimmu Tenno. His descendents continue to reign today with the current Emperor Akhito (Heisei Tenno) being the125th descendant of Jimmu. The Emperor of Japan is the last remaining Emperor in the world today.

His Imperial Majesty Akahito is Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum. During the Emperor's state visit to the United Kingdom in 1998, HM Queen Elizabeth II invested the Emperor with the Most Noble Order of the Garter.( KG). The highest honour the Queen can bestow. This honour includes the right for the Emperor to have his Banner and Crest placed above his stall ( seat) in St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle.

The Emperor's unique Chrysanthemum Crest was therefore required and sculptor Ian G Brennan was commissioned to produce the Emperor's Crest. It was carved from solid mahogany in the Artists studio in Southern England and later placed in position in the historic St George's Chapel within the walls of Windsor Castle in time for the Order of the Garter Service, were it can be seen today.



Emperor Akahito's Crest in the Artist Studio The gilded Chrysanthemum Crest in position in Windsor Castle



A smaller scale 6 inches high one third scale version of the Chrysanthemum Crest was produced by the sculptor to insure the proportions and design of the crest was absolutely correct.. Using this original smaller Chrysanthemum crest as a guide Ian produced the larger Chrysanthemum Crest. This original smaller version of the Crest was later moulded, produced in wax and then cast in bronze.


The Chrysanthemum Crest  bronze



The completed Chrysanthemum Crest with gold plating applied

6..5 inches ( 165mm) high.